Fence Repair in Harrisburg, PA

Do you have a fence that needs repaired? You’re at the right place. Here at Handydad Harrisburg LLC fence repair in Harrisburg PA is something I can help you with.

As fences age many times the post can rot because of moisture. Many times, at the surface posts will deteriorate. Then a storm will come through with some gusts of wind and knock down one or more posts.

While this is unhandy, thankfully it is not a major problem and can be repaired. There are several options to repair it.

Broken Fence Post Repair

One option is to replace the fence. This is the most major option and depending on the age of your fence is what you may want to do. However, if your fence is not too old and most of it is in decent condition there are probably better options since this will cost you several thousand dollars.

Another option is to replace the post that broke. This is a good option if your posts are very old. This would just remove the old post and plant a new post. I use cement around the post to make it strong. This option runs around $500 – $600 per post that needs replaced.

The last option is to use brackets to repair the post that is broken. Since most of the rot on a post happens right at the surface, usually the post below ground and also above ground is still in fairly good condition. I can use brackets to mend the post and save you money. This Option usually cost around $300 to $400 per post that is broken.

If your post is broken don’t stress over it. Give us a call to discuss what your options are to get your fence repaired. Then you no longer need to worry about how you will get this project completed.

Other Fence Repairs in Harrisburg, PA

              Loose Fence Boards

I can repair fences that boards are coming loose on. Sometimes boards need to be replaced while other times the current ones can be screwed back on again.

              Leaning Fence Repair

Some fences are leaning since the post are not holding the fence straight anymore. I straighten the fence and use cement around the post to get it straight again.

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Handydad Harrisburg LLC